
Looking for the aloha in life


Saying I Do, Again

So, we have been talking about renewing our vows for 10 years.  We actually had the pleasure of renewing  them at our 10 year anniversary; our old church offered couples a chance to renew their vows over the Valentine’s weekend.  To us, it was just a spur-of-the-moment activity that we thought would be fun to do before heading out on a rare quiet dinner date. I basically signed us up and told Mike we were going. I seem to recall him grumbling just a bit and asking lots of questions about how and why were doing this. (He doesn’t recall that, but I definitely do!:) The funny thing is, neither of us had any idea how meaningful those 15 minutes would be. Recommitting your lives to each other after spending 10 years together with some really high peaks and (fortunately just a few) really low valleys it turns out, can leave one’s heart a bit torn open, in a wonderful way. We decided to do it again, and this decade, we would take the time to appreciate the meaning of this special ceremony.  Of course, I had a few ideas Continue reading